Vidhyanidhi Education Society, a reputable Govt. Regd. Teachers Training Institute, has specially designed its Montessori Teacher Training Distance Learning Courses in such a way that they integrate the diverse needs of preschoolers. They promote the importance of early years as well as the role of the teachers in contributing towards children's success. Trainees are made sensitive to the needs of preschoolers through this curriculum. They get an opportunity to gain necessary skills they need to grow into a mature preschool teacher capable of imparting quality education.
The most important reason for the success of VES and its alumni is that Montessori Teacher Training Distance Learning Courses are well - planned and systematically organized by our experts in the field of pre - school education. The course coordinators have made sure that the course curriculum is highly comprehensive, keeping in mind, the recent trends of education.
Montessori Teacher Training Distance Learning Course
Our curriculum planners have also ensured that the language of the study materials is highly lucid and self - explanatory so that our candidates have no difficulty in understanding them.
The places where job prospects are very high for diploma - holders are -
- Kindergartens
- Preschools
- Crèches
- Activity clubs
- Toy libraries
Montessori Teacher Training Distance Learning in Mumbai
- Firstly, No wastage of time or money in travelling to attend lectures.
- Secondly, No rigid study timings; one can study according to one’s own schedule without disturbing one’s daily routine.
- Thirdly, Flexibility to study at one’s own speed
- Fourthly, Anyone who is 18 or above is eligible.
- Fifthly, Anyone with 10+2 level qualification or qualification higher than that is welcome to enrol for this course.
Duration of this course is one year. However, a candidate can complete it at any time within one - year limit.
Diploma in Montessori Teacher Training Distance Learning
- The course is quite simple.
- After enrolling for the course, the course coordinator will immediately call and guide you regarding the course.
- A welcome letter containing details of enrolment, and instructions on how to go about the entire course along with the first set of study materials as well as assignments will be couriered.
- This course is entirely assignment - based. It contains five modules in all (four theoretical as well as one practical).
- The student has to complete each assignment within the specific time limit. Our well - qualified faculty members will assess all the assignments. In case of any doubts regarding any aspects of the course materials, assignments, etc., our course coordinators will be glad to assist.
- Practical training works a little differently for Montessori Teacher Training Distance Learning Courses i.e. it is optional, but we would highly recommend it.
- Internship provides practical training regarding classroom management.