We understand that parent-child relationship is one of the most important and lovely of all bonds. We at VES specialize in Parenting Skills Classes with our ParentingWorkshop How to make your Children Listen to you? . We aim at building a more loving, constructive and fulfilling relationship between parent and child.
We feel that it requires abundant love, care and a little effort on part of parents, teachers and care-takers to maintain strong and successful relations with the children under their care. We can make positive efforts to train ourselves into learning a few techniques and skills, which can be used to make our relations with our children better.
Vidhyanidhi Education Society imparts such skills and knowledge aimed to help strengthen this relationship and stimulate an affectionate understanding between parents and their children, teachers and their students, caregivers and the children under their care.
This parenting class is made up of 2 sessions of around 4 hours each. The sessions will cover some very relevant topics concerned with effective parenting like
- Helping children to handle their feelings
- Getting children to cooperate willingly
- Making children behave without punishment
- To develop a positive self-image
These concrete, tried, tested and implementable 'skills' have been developed keeping in mind certain goals to be achieved.Goals of our Parenting Classes are described as under:
Building Communication Channels
The world of children is very different from the world of adults. Many times the way in which we speak to children, our body language and tone of voice, communicates something entirely different from what we mean. At times, it is the other way round and it may get difficult to understand what children want to communicate.For example :Most parents want to hear how things are going at school. Children sometimes answer questions about "how was your day" with a monosyllabic "fine" and parents are left wondering. What do you do when your child refuses to speak and doesn't give a suitable response? i)When he or she seems angry with you and won't communicate? ii) When he or she is saying things which make no sense? At times children scream and yell when trying to communicate problems, and parents may not even want to listen any more!
Repetitive misbehaviour at home or in classroom often occur because either children misunderstand what we say or because they feel misunderstood by adults.
These parenting classes focus on communication skills. We will learn to speak and act in ways that won't be misinterpreted, learn to hear even things which children may not verbally say and interpret children's behaviour, learn how to turn a situation around if a child has "heard" you incorrectly and how to use these techniques to diminish repetitive misbehaviour.
Acknowledging and Coping with Feelings
It's difficult for parents to see their children feeling hurt, angry, upset or sad. We immediately try to suppress such negative feelings by ignoring them, or by giving ready solutions, or by distracting the child etc. We should instead learn to acknowledge children's feelings and learn why it's important to let children feel the way they do, and how to resist ourselves from trying to "fix it". These tools help parents to be supportive and understanding. And negative feelings diminish more easily and faster. Children end up feeling understood and the parent-child relationship is enriched in the process.
Setting Limits
Children get influenced in several different ways - through media, peers etc. So, it's important that parents possess effective skills for setting certain limits upon children's actions. These new parenting classes help parents to take a respectful look at the child's world and recognize the importance of setting limits for their children. We believe that effective limit setting not only means stopping misbehaviour, but also helping children develop a sense of responsibility and high self-esteem. Even young children can be helped to recognize how their behaviours impacts others and develop a sense of self-control. However, this can happen only when clear limits are set while maintaining goodwill. Learn how clear limits can be set, how we can speak our mind without being hurtful and , how to develop a sense of restraint.
Problem Solving- an efficient alternative to punishment
Our unique parents class will give you an invaluable skill based on the "problem solving model" which enables you to handle a problem that might arise between you and your child. This problem-solving skill will help you to arrive at an amicable solution acceptable to you as well as your child by means of discussion and brainstorming. This technique will rule out punishment and allow you to avoid conflicts and resentments as far as possible. It will help you to enhance cooperation while maintaining mutual respect. Designed for children of any age, this invaluable model will let you view and treat your young one as a mature, understanding and reasonable being.
Soothing Sibling Rivalry
If the dynamics between your children are getting tough for you to handle, our parenting workshop can help. Conflict between siblings can severely impair social skills and confidence levels besides creating a constant vicious environment at home. We'll talk about issues directly related to parents who have more than one child (or who are expecting a new addition). These parents classes focus on supportive intervention techniques on how parents can encourage a healthy, loving relationship between their siblings.
Besides the aforementioned goals, a few other goals of these parents class will be to train parents in taming tantrums, dealing with teenagers, expressing anger without being hurtful etc.
Here are a fewParenting ClassReviewsfor your reference:
"I had read a few books and used to surf the net regularly for information on parenting. Then I came to know about this workshop. After I went through the website I realized that VES was going to train in SKILLS. I joined immediately. And the skills I learnt here can be applied in real-life situations in order to find peaceful solutions acceptable to children as well as us."
Sarita Vyas
Stay-home-mother of twin boys aged 7 years
"I think joining this parents class has been one of the best decisions that I have taken in recent times. A complete value for money and a life time experience! Every parent must do these parenting classes."
Sarbani Mishra - Advocate
Mother of a 6-year-old
"This parenting workshop has considerably changed the way I feel as a father. On my wife's insistence I joined this workshop and I realized that parenting in our times has changed so much. Children have become much smarter, the exposure levels have increased so much, and so challenges before parents have also changed. Good I joined, now I feel much more prepared."
Prahlad Narvekar - Business Analyst
Father of a 5-year-old
"All the skills are so handy. Now we get straight solutions for any problems between us just by talking! No nagging, arguing, punishing etc. And more importantly both of us like the solutions. I love this. Thanks a lot."