Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) is an experienced Phonics Teacher Training Institute and it conducts a certificate programme in Phonics for Adults. Phonics is a scientific technique effective in teaching young learners to read, write, spell and understandEnglish. Many schoolsuse phonics for English instructions to their students and so they regularly employ teachers who do Phonics for Adults courses. This can also help one in starting one’s own phonics classes for children.
Early years are foundation years for learning language. Many children struggle to master English reading, writing and spelling as methods like rotelearning or memorization are used. As compared to these methods,phonics proves more useful. It provides a child with a scientific temper to comprehend the English language.
Phonics for children helps them to
- readeasily.
- write letters effortlessly.
- spell words without memorizing.
- understand language better.
- Foster language skills in young children.
- Impart creative writing.
- Create in children love for the English language.
Phonics for Adults in Mumbai
- Admissionsopen throughout year
- Reasonable fees
- Brilliant and skilful trainers
- Study material, Handouts and sample worksheets
- Audio – visual aids
- Help for starting own phonics centre
- Importance, Definition & Types of Phonics
- Whole Language Approach versus Phonics
- Demonstration of Letter and Digraph sounds
- Letter Formation
- Blending andSegmenting
- Blends
- Tricky words
- Phonics Rules
- Alternative Vowel Spellings
You can work as
- A phonics teacher in schools
- A phonics trainer
- A entrepreneurs of Phonics Classes for children
Diploma in Phonics for Adults Courses
Enrol if you are:
- an aspiring teacher,
- already a school teacher,
- a home tutor,
- a woman entrepreneur,
- a parent or a housewives,
- aprofessional seeking career change.
- Well-known Govt. Regd. Institute.
- Reliable Name in Teaching & Training field
- 20 years of Rich Experience
- "I got job as a phonics teacher in a popular school. I wasn’t expecting to get a job so soon. Thanks."
- "With all the tips and guidance given by the trainers, I started my classes and I got good response.Thank you VES".
- The 'Certificate Programme in Phonics Teachers' Training' is of 23 – hour duration.
- Anyone possessing basic knowledge of the English language is eligible to join the 'Certificate Programme in Phonics Teachers' Training'.